Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Counting Rows in Datasets

Would you like to count your dataset rows? There is now an app for that and the article below is now rendered obsolete. I'm leaving this available because it does show how easily a dataset can be created with some calculated information.

Where do you obtain this magical app? It's here and includes adoption metrics as well:

Now on to the legacy article:

For those times when you would like to know the row count for your existing datasets within your Salesforce Wave application you may use the following utility. Please note that this process will run as your currently logged in user. If the security predicate restricts the view of data for any dataset, then the row count will only reflect the count of rows that the currently logged in user can see. It will also be unable to count rows for datasets that may exist in the private folders of other users or applications for which the current user does not have access. This will require the installation of a bookmarklet and works best using the chrome browser.

1) Within the Chrome browser application - from the "View" menu, make sure the "Always Show Bookmarks" option is activated. 

2) Drag the following link onto the bookmarks bar

3) Login into your instance and go to the Wave Analytics home page.

4) Click the bookmarklet and it will launch a background task. Once it has the list of datasets you can access it will display a status bar in the upper right.

5) If you have datasets that have been moved, then you may see the screen turn gray with brief popups while it's progressing, you can safely do work on another tab while the task continues to run (but please be sure to leave this active tab untouched).

6) Once complete you will see this popup, you may create the dataset (it will require 1 row per dataset queried) - or you can create a file to download. Ok will create a dataset, cancel will generate a link to CSV data you may download. Your server name will be different.

7) If you selected a dataset, you will have a new dataset named "Dataset_Info" typically within 15 seconds. If selected the file you will see a link that looks like the following and clicking it will automatically trigger the file download.

8) Now you may either explore the dataset using the information provided, including a measure that specifies the count of rows observed in each dataset, along with some other relevant information (such as user created, folder, etc.)

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